Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yes, I Know I Suck

So, I came across my own blog just now and discovered that, hey, it's been a month, a week, and three days since I last updated it. (Not counting the pic and three sentences I added yesterday.) Which is a new low, I think - although I'm too lazy to scroll through the archive and actually figure out if it's a record. Therefore, I suck. I am aware of it, and comments should feel free to explore the magnitude of my suckiness, but for now I'm over it. Mostly.

It's especially ironic given that a) I started the micro-posts to allow myself to blog more often by requiring less words at a time; b) I just ponied up $80 to Yahoo! for hosting the site I eventually intend to post this blog on; and c) I sadly and with much reluctance succumbed to the pestilence that is Twitter. Yes, I Twitter! Well, about once a week anyway.

But self-flagellation aside (verbal only, thank you - while I theoretically understand that for some pain can be a fetish, it seems ridiculous to think you'd accomplish much by whipping yourself - wouldn't knowing when the blow would fall kind of ruin it?), I'm back. And just in time for the run-up to summer geekitude galore.

As usual, the centerpiece of the summer will be the annual pilgrimage to Comic-Con (July 22-26, http://www.comic-con.org/cci/). But July also includes Independence Day (meaning good food, good friends, and ridiculous amounts of fireworks) and the Labyrinth Masquerade.

And if you can't wait that long, head over to http://www.cantstoptheserenity.com/ to find a showing of Joss Whedon's Serenity on the big screen sometime in June. (Dates vary by location, and profits go to the excellent charity Equality Now.)

I'm working on several Comic-Con costumes, although they're for the floor and not the Masquerade. (The stars were not as aligned as I thought this year.) I'll keep you posted on those and other events, and attempt to figure out how to use Twitter and Flickr to improve this blog.

Wish me luck... or better yet, perseverance.


a-cam said...

So you're not going to the comic con masquerade?

The Girl said...

Well, I'm probably going, but I'm not competing. I'll just be in the audience. Some year I want to make a bunch of costumes and choreograph a skit and actually enter the contest.